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B ইউনিট || 2012


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What kind of men are you?
What kind of man you are?
What kind of a man are you?
What kind of man are you?
তুহিন এখন সুস্থ
তুহিন এখন কিছুটা সুসাস্থ্য
তুহিন এখন কিছুটা অসুস্থ
তুহিনের সুস্থ হওয়ার কোন লক্ষণ নেই
nature knows how to right herself.
You are the right person to do the job
I termed it as a right.
Jemy stood right in my way.
কামাল যথা সময়ে স্টেশনে পৌছালো
কামাল সময়ের মধেই স্টেশনে পৌঁছালে।
কামাল ঠিক সময়ে স্টেশনে পৌঁছিয়েছে।
কামাল স্টেশনে পৌঁছাতে দেরি করেনি।
Fishes can not fly, what can?
Fishes can not fly, is it?
Fishes can not fly, do it?
Fishes can not fly , can they?
He said that he will never come here.
He said that he would never come here.
He told that he will never come here.
He was said that he would never come here.
I have got GPA 4.8 from 5
I have got GPA 4.8 among 5
Out of 5 I have got GPA 4.8
Out of 4.8 I have got GPA 5
As an orator Bangabondhu was second to none.
As a lecturer Bangabondhu was second to none.
As a speaker Bangabondhu was second to none.
As a talker Bangabondhu as second to none.
I shall got admission to HSTU
I shall admit to HSTU
I shall admitted to HSTU
I shall get admission to HSTU
To cultivate
To accuse
To make worse
To become sick
